Monday 5 March 2012

Nail Vanish & Glitter Keys

I saw these nail vanished keys on real simple a while ago and as soon as I saw them I knew I had to make myself some. I have two keys on my key chain, one for the front door and one for the back door. And as they look so much alike it's always a guessing game when I come to unlock the door. So when I saw this idea I was like 'At last!' so for the front door key I've used nail vanish and for the back door one I covered it in glue and sprinkled purple glitter all over. As you can see, I've only given the nail vanished key one coat and it could do with another really. 

Now no more guess work for me!

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  1. such a simple solution! hardware stores sell those plastic thingies that are impossible to get on, but what gal doesn't have some old nailpolish around. brill!

  2. This is so cute! I don't know how my boss would react if I glittered the office key, but I'll be doing it to my house key ;)


  3. Hi Natasha
    Thanks for joining the linky party. I am struggling to get people to join and unsure why, lol. I love the key idea as I have several and takes ages to find the correct one so think will give it a go!

    Huge thanks about the award - will follow the link. Really happy! I will add your details to a post to say thanks too.

    My first Graze box arrived and yum! I am ordering monthly.


  4. This is such a creative idea. I would love for you to stop by and Link up at my Link Party via:

    PS: I am your newest Linky Follower!

    Mrs. Delightful

  5. I've painted my accessories with nail polish all the time, never thought why I never thought about doing the same thing for my keys. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Please come by and visit my blog when you have the time. ^_^

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  6. stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to leave you a little blog luv! Def enjoyed reading this post!! very cute idea!

  7. I love this idea! Quick, easy and inexpense C:

    Thank-you so much for coming over to our Pin'inspiration party this week. Hope that you stop by tomorrow to help get ready for spring.

  8. Clever idea! I think everyone could benefit from this one! Thanks for sharing at the Rock 'N Share!

  9. Love all that glitter....!

    btw Ccould you please link back to our linky party?!
    Thank you so much! You can find a handy dandy code-gadget here:

  10. Superb idea.. I love this..
    Thanks for sharing Natasha..
