Sunday 4 March 2012

March Sponsors

Here are my Lovely Sponsors for March

Please take a look at a few of them

Shop hessnatur - Organic and Fair Women Clothes

Set Your Price. Choose your Advertisers. Sign up for SocialSpark!

Advertise Space

We would be happy to advertise any business or site as long as it's appropriate for a family site.

For a 200 x 300 Ad space

£3.00 for 1 month
£15.00 for 6 months

For a 200 x 200 Ad space

£2.00 for 1 month
£10.00 for 6 months

For a 100 x 100 Ad space

£ 1.00 for 1 month
£5.00 for 6 months

For this you will get your button or logo placed on the right side of my blog, which shows on every page and also a link to your site in my featured sponsor post at the beginning of every month

or you can have your button placed at the bottom of each of my blog posts for two week for only £1.00

Giveaways &  Reviews

If your site has a giveaway that you would like me to feature on my site just let me know

Also I can review your product, just send me one of your products and i will write a review on my blog and it would be nice if you could either included a free product for one of my readers as a giveaway or a discount for all my readers in your shop/site

Or if you have any other ideas or suggestions just let me know
Please contact me on for more information


Even if I receive payment or I'm compensated for a review, giveaway, ad or other All Opinions are 100% mine and I would not promote anything that I don't approve of or would not use myself

Check these great sites out
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 Bath Bomb Creations

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