Thursday 2 February 2012

Saucy Meatballs with Rice

Saucy Meatballs with Rice

This doesn't look that nice in the photo as i mixed it all up and ate a few meatballs and then remembered i hadn't took a photo.
This recipe uses vegetarian meatballs, as I'm a veggie, but the original recipe can be found here.

for this you need
packet of vegetarian meatballs
350g frozen spinach
1 onion
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
rice (i used boil in the bag rice, easier)

in a large pan soften the onion in a little oil. Then add the meatballs, tinned tomatoes and frozen spinach and cook for about 15 minutes
Meanwhile cook your rice.
when finished garnish with parley

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  1. Yummy! I am going to have to try this. Looks delish! But I have to admit, I am going to have to do spicy sausage in it for the hubs! Found you on Crazy Cute!

  2. Ooh, this looks good. I bet some extra spiciness would be fantastic.

  3. I love meatballs so this looks pretty yummy. Thanks for linking up at Giggles, Glitz & Glam.
