Wednesday 1 February 2012

52 Weeks of You : Natural Nesters

Hello! and welcome to '52 weeks of you'
Where every week I'll feature one of YOUR great blogs!
So if you'd like to be seen here email me at
And tell me a little about yourself and your blog 
Please note : Get your name down now as there is a 4 month waiting list

This week I'm Featuring Natural Nesters

 My sister and I have a blog together at We love family, home, DIY, cooking, kids interactive learning activities, etc. We really focus on a variety of things! Please for sure go check it out. One of my favorite posts is: This is the outdoor patio furniture that my husband and I made for our new house. He made the furniture, and I sewed all the pillows and cushions! It was a big job since this was my first time sewing something this big….the only thing I had sewn before was a plain elastic band skirt!
Brittany T. Suell

Here are my 5 favourite posts

Up-cycled Wine Bottle Decor

Love these!! So cute, the colours are fantastic!

Toddler and Choices

Great idea if you've got a child and want him to learn a bit about independence

Swiffer Sweeper

What an absolutely great idea!!! I'm so going to make myself one of these!

A Picture of your Favourite Memory

So beautiful!!! Love the dress, Love the flowers, Love the Photo!!

Just Remembering

A sad story of loss.
This made me cry so much, but I thought this just had to be shared

Go and Take a look at the rest of their great blog Natural Nesters and tell them I sent you over

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 Bath Bomb Creations


  1. Thank you for sharing those with us, I love the wedding picture and the wine bottles look adorable! I'm stopping by from Inspirations by D. Looking forward to more of your posts:-)

  2. What a terrific compilation :0)

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share at Pin'Inspiration Thursday. Hope to see you on Saturday to help "Beat the Winter Blues". Have an awesome day.

  3. they made that furniture? awesome. i would love to have a pergola!
