Saturday 7 January 2012

Serenity Saturday : 21

Welcome to the 21st Serenity Saturday!

I had a great Christmas and the kids had an amazing time and was really looking forward to the new year, But  just two days in on the 2nd January my little boy, who's only 1 broke his leg!! He's in hospital and has to stay in for at least 2 weeks. So me and my husband have been taking turns staying over at the hospital with him. And it's been quite difficult to get over there as we don't drive so have been relaying on the bus, just keeping our fingers crossed that it doesn't snow!! But he's taking it all in his stride and you wouldn't even know that he's broke his leg all he keeps doing is laughing at the nurses.

The winner on my very first giveaway to win the bath bombs from Bath Bomb Creations is :

entry #109 : Zoe

I have sent you an email, Zoe. Congratulations!!!

And here are the features for this week:

Chocolate Truffles from Folk Haven

Beeswax Candles from Imagination Station

And the most viewed link was

Simple Sugar Scrub Recipe from Garden Therapy

If you have been featured feel free to grab my 'I've been featured' button

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Serenity you" /></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Serenity you" /></a>

Rules :

you can link anything you want! only rule is that you place my link button on your post or somewhere on your blog.

My favourite posts will be featured on next weeks link party
And also the post that get's the most views from YOU!!

Like this Post? Then please vote for me
Visit Top Mommy Blogs To Vote For Me!
 Bath Bomb Creations


  1. Thank you Natasha for the opportunity to link and to visit some of the amazing talented bloggers you have here. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my chocolate truffles! And thank you also for hosting another great link party... Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just linked-up one of my kid's crafts from this week. Oh...and I'm your newest follower on GFC!

    Criss-Cross Applesauce

  4. So sorry to hear about your little boy. Praying for your family!

  5. Sorry to hear about your little one! Hope he is mending well and will soon be home!

  6. Hi there, we are following you from "BlogLovin" and we really like your blog here. Feel free to check out Faithful Cafe and follow back. :)

  7. Thanks for this, I hope I did it right!

  8. Those chocolates are now making me want to get up and raid the cupboard :)
