Monday 9 January 2012

kids active play ideas

Parents, caregivers and teachers all help young children learn how to count to 5, how to spell their name, cook with them, read with them and do arts and crafts with them. These things are all important, But some forget how important it is for preschool children to be physically active. Along with all the other activities you should do with your preschool child you should also spend 30 minutes doing something to get them moving. Here is a list of some of the activities I like to do with my children


  • Hopscotch
  • Wings - tie crepe paper along the back of your sleeves then run around and pretend to fly
  • Roller Coaster Walk - pretend your on a roller coaster, walk low to the floor then high, go fast and slow
  • Tag - on a sunny day play shadow tag, try and tag players shadows
  • Limbo - get a rope and have your child pass under. it make it lower every time. You could also start with the rope on the floor and have your child jump over it.
  • Log Roll - on a gentle slope have your child lay down with their arms folded across their chest and roll like a log
  • Dodge the Ball - throw a small soft ball at your child and get them to dodge out of the way
  • Beanbag Throw - place a hula hoop or rope in a circle on the ground and try to throw the beanbag into the middle
  • Bounce a ball - bounce the ball on the floor and catch it, also try bouncing it against a wall
  • Target Practice - Throw beanbags or a small ball at empty drink bottles
  • Mountain Climbing - place cushions and pillows in a pile and let your child climb over them
  • Beanbag Balance - have your child balance a bean bag on their head. Then get them to walk in a straight line with it on their head and also try standing on one leg

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  1. A great list of fun ways for little ones to get exercise!

  2. This is a great list. We might give shadow tag a go this afternoon.

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun! My toddler is almost to the age of being able to do activities like this. I'm pinning this list to refer back to when I need to change up our activities. Thank you for posting it!

  4. I love this! Oh I just love your educational resources! I would love for you to share your stuff on my site via my weekly homeschooling on the cheap linky:

  5. What a great post! Thanks for the ideas! visiting from!

  6. Such a fantastic post! Would you please share this with our readers for Fun Stuff Fridays?

  7. What a great list of fun activities!! Childhood classics every child should play =-) Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great week,
    Beth =-)

  8. Lovely ideas! We all need to get our wiggles out now and again!! I'm a new follower stopping by from the showcase, Morgan from!

  9. Great ideas! Always good to have new ones since I feel like we get stuck in a rut of doing the same things! Stop by for a visit if you get a chance!

  10. I love your kid's activity ideas.. I am pinning this post for future reference..
    Thanks for linking up at friday fun party

  11. This is lovely. I like the idea of the roller coaster, and we do the mountain climbing already!

    Thanks for linking to Family Frolics. Hope to see you again this week!

  12. Great ideas! We are always looking for things to do to keep active around here.

    I'd love for you to link up and share:

  13. What a great list! I will really be able to utilize these ideas during the next few months when we are stuck indoors :) Thanks for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursdays! Have a great weekend!

  14. Thanks for this awesome list- love the Mater tutorial too! Glad to have you at Things I've Done Thursday!

  15. Fab list, I'm always looking for fun things to do with small one.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to join our Pin'Inspiration party this week. I'm hoping that you'll pop by tomorrow and share at my "Beat The Winter Blues" party. :-)

  16. Thanks for the list! I love keeping my kids active! We just took a hike to see migrating ladybugs...come check it out! I'm your newest follower :)

  17. Those are great tips! It is so important to get our kids moving :)

  18. LOVE IT! Just the other day I decided tat we need to "cut some cords" around my house. My oldest used to read all of the time and now...that has been replaced with the computer. These are some GREAT IDEAS!!

    Heather May
