Thursday 19 January 2012

Giveaway : 2 Free Graze Boxes


a box filled with tasty punnets

Graze is healthy eating sent out to you by post!! for just £3.49 a box and free delivery

Grazing throughout the day helps to keep your blood sugar balanced out so your less likely to become tired at that time when you normally have a 3pm slump

I have been having graze boxes for about 2 years now and i still love them. I normally get one delivered every 2 weeks as a special treat for myself. You can order one for everyday or just now and again it's completely up to you.

I have 2 discount codes for two lucky people. They are for 2 Free boxes each from

Sorry, but this is only available to the UK only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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 Bath Bomb Creations


  1. I love olive oil, I use it raw in almost every meal.

  2. hi Natasha
    would love to enter for something healthy!
    Bath Bomb Creations

  3. Do you still have a code? I'd love to use it if you do, thanks! Anu

    1. quote code M2FTF3B to get your first box free including delivery - available in the UK only
