Wednesday 18 January 2012

52 weeks of you : We Love Being Moms!


Hello! and welcome to '52 weeks of you'
Where every week I'll feature one of YOUR great blogs!
So if you'd like to be seen here email me at
And tell me a little about yourself and your blog

This week I'm Featuring We Love Being Moms!

We are Holly and Heather – twin sisters. We share many of the same hobbies and interests: both of us absolutely love photography, scrapbooking, organizing, crafting, being outdoors, and obviously blogging. We have always done a lot together and continue to. We participated in the same activities in high school, graduated with the same degree in Dental Hygiene and both of us married our best friend. We both have two children 3 and under and can honestly say WE LOVE BEING MOMS! Yes, there are hard days and a lot of them but there are so many rewarding days too. 

We started our blog 3 months ago thinking there weren't many like it but quickly learned that there are so so many fun blogs that we had no idea excited until recently...we have really enjoyed getting to know others through blogging and sharing our ideas!

We have been doing something on our blog called theme weeks.  We pick a theme at the beginning of the week and then do activities to go along with the theme throughout the week. Our favorite week was probably Rainbow Week.  We also loved Cars week!  We don't have 1 favorite post but our Cardboard Mator Tutorial  has been the most popular. 

Here are some of my favourite posts from their blog

How to Make Spiders

This is such a cute idea!!

Peppermint Ice Cream & Hot Cider
So yummy!!!! I want to try some of that ice cream right now!!

Homemade Finger Paints
What can I say?! An Absolutely Brilliant Idea!!!!

Learning about Mixing Colours

Doing this next week!!

Meal Planning

Great idea!!

Go over and check out their blog We Love Being Moms!
They have loads more fun activities to do with your kids and their theme weeks are great!!
Thanks Holly & Heather for sharing

If you would like to see your blog featured here on 52 weeks of you
Just email me at

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 Bath Bomb Creations


  1. I'm so glad I found this post! Holly and Heather are my cousins!!! They are so amazing!!

  2. LOVE the homemade fingerprint! Thanks for linking up at TGIF! Have a GREAT week,
    Beth =-)

  3. Love the play Car. Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time.

  4. what a neat cardboard car! They have so many other fab ideas too, thanks for sharing on The Sunday Showcase!

  5. Wonderful ideas you've shared. That cardboard box is brilliant. Very fun.


  6. Cute spiders! Saw them over @ Bear Rabbit Bear and stopped on by.
