Friday 27 January 2012

Foto Friday : in the air & brown

This weeks theme on Foto Friday is 'in the air'

The theme over at Project 64 is 'Brown'

And the 5 prompts on Scavenger Hunt Sunday are
1. Smile

2. Stand Alone

3. Rusty or Old

4. Artificial

5. Repeating Patten

 And this photo is for Edit Me Challenge

Linking up to some of these great parties 

 Edit MePhotobucket
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  1. Nice set of photos! The baby is so cute!
    I like your Stand Alone!

    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Love the close crop for this week's Edit Me photo. It really puts the focus on his face!

  3. The bare tree branches certainly give a sense of being up in the air.

  4. Lovely night skies. Looking at the stars is something that I have a passion since childhood. I wish you a good weekend.

  5. Great edit on the baby. I like how you put all your challenge photos in to one post. Makes it easy to see them all.

  6. All great captures! Love the artificial shot. :)

  7. Great job with the scavenger hunt and I like what you did with the edit me challenge too.
