Thursday 26 January 2012

Baked Potato with Feta Cheese and Salad

I just love baked potatoes! I could eat them everyday. Here's one that i had for my lunch last week.

For this just baked a potato in the oven or use a microwave. The microwave is a lot quicker but it tastes so much nicer baked.
Butter the potato and sprinkle with feta cheese
for the salad i had lettuce, grated carrot, red peppers, pineapple, blueberries and a little bit of cottage cheese. Yum!

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  1. Natasha, thanks for linking this up in my Menu Plan & Recipes today! I am giving your recipe a pin on Pinterest! I hope you see some new visitors stopping in. Have a super week, Susie

  2. I'm now following your blog on Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs and Facebook! Stop over and find me, too!

  3. Can you come make this for me .. now? Haha.. it looks so good! Im a sucker for a great tater! :)

    Thanks for linking up to Financial Friday :)

  4. I would never have thought to put feta on a baked potato. Yum!

  5. yummy! Feta makes everything taste better! Just wanted to let you know I am featuring this at tasty Tuesday this coming week. Hope you can stop by and check it out. Grab a featured button if you don't have one already.

  6. Oh YUM! would love for you to share this on my healthy food link up going on now and every thursday!

  7. Well, This salad is looking very delicious and tasty. You have presented this dish so innovatively. I also got idea of making such dish.
