Saturday, 10 December 2011

Serenity Saturday :19

hi and welcome to another week of Serenity Saturday!

And what a busy week I've had!! It was my little boy's 1st birthday on Tuesday! I still can't believe he's 1 already! how time fly's!
And on Thursday I held my very first giveaway! It's open until 5th January so if you haven't entered yet check it out here
And I've been getting the rest of my Christmas shopping done! very busy. busy, busy!

Here are my favs from last week

Snowmen Socks from Rachel at I Heart Crafty Things

 Coaster Ornament from Lisa at Lisa's Craft Blog

And this weeks most viewed post is
Gingerbread Houses from keeping The Christmas Spirit Alive 365

If you have been featured feel free to grab my 'I've been featured' button

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Serenity you" /></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Serenity you" /></a>

Rules :

you can link anything you want! only rule is that you place my link button on your post or somewhere on your blog.

My favourite posts will be featured on next weeks link party
And also the post that get's the most views from YOU!!

Like this Post? Then please vote for me
Visit Top Mommy Blogs To Vote For Me!


  1. Thanks for hosting!! Love looking at all the projects!

  2. Love all of your picks from last week, I think I may have commented on all but one of them. Thanks for hosting such a lovely party. Kathi

  3. You are doing well with the parties!
    Is it ok to take the featured button for bath bomb creations? I don't seem to be able to copy the text tho?

    Will also pop back and reply to your email about advertising ...

    Bath Bomb Creations
    (linky parties 1st of each month)

  4. Thank you for stopping by Space 46 and inviting me to your party and leading me to your lovely blog! I just linked up 2 projects! Best, My

  5. Thank you for sharing this link so I can visit all these amazing crafters. I would love to link but I dont make anything, sad, sigh! and sorry! I have visited most and shared myself around and was amazed at the talent. T I will follow on my way out so as I can come back and visit again. I hope you will find the time to come visit my place and do the same. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  6. Ok I just linked successfully. YIPPEE! Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  7. Hi Natasha! Thanks for the invite! I'm a new follower - lucky number 99! :)

  8. Thanks for featuring my sock snowmen! Love your link party. So many great ideas every week! And Happy Birthday to your little boy! :)

  9. What a great selection of links! Loads of ideas to try - I'm feeling all inspired! I'll definitely join in over the next few weeks.
