Sunday, 11 December 2011

Fantastic Etsy Shop : Handmade By Mrs H

A few months ago I found a great blog called At Home With Mrs H
and I also found out she had an Etsy shop and was offering her readers 50% off!!!!!

So I took her up on this offer and brought two of her items

One was this Gorgeous chocolate and taupe bow Cushion!! I brought this for only £4!!!
I'm in Love with this!!!
Chocolate brown & taupe bow cushion

And these really cute Peg Magnets for only £1!!! Bargain or what!!??
Set of 6 white swirl peg magnets - seconds

She has just added some more things to her Etsy Shop so go Check her out!!!

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  1. Woah Natasha, you sure do know how to make a girl blush! :) Thank you for the lovely comments.

    If anyone else wants 50% off they can use the MOVINGSALE code too, three weeks to the big house move :)

  2. Wow, Thank you for sharing this, love it! I just started a new linky party, and would love for you to join in! Monday Myriad Blog Hop

  3. This pillow is very pretty, LOVE the colors!
