Saturday 3 March 2012

Serenity Saturday : 29

Ok. So last week I was hoping for my Biggest party ever and I got 89 link ups!! which I think is my biggest so far, but secretly I was hoping to reach 100. So, please, please, please could you help me reach 100 this week by sharing this link party on your blog or facebook page!! Pretty please with a cherry on top!!!

And it was so hard choosing who to feature this week as there were so many great link up's!
But here are what I picked from last week

Cute Little Skirt from Threading My Way

Nutty Toffee Bars from Chocolate, Chocolate and More

Springtime Citrus Coasters from Saavy Savings

And there was 2 most viewed link up's they are:

Master Bedroom Makeover from The Hell on Heels Housewife
bedroom makeover 035

If you have been featured feel free to grab my 'I've been featured' button

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Serenity you" /></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Serenity you" /></a>

Rules :

you can link anything you want! only rule is that you place my link button on your post or somewhere on your blog. And please visit at LEAST 2 other link ups

I show off the featured links on my facebook page, skinny scoopClipix and Pinterest

My favourite posts will be featured on next weeks link party
And also the post that get's the most views from YOU!!

Check these great sites out
Visit Top Mommy Blogs To Vote For Me!
 Bath Bomb Creations
And why not also link up your great projects at my blogger sisters link party every Tuesday at Terrific Tuesday


  1. Thank you so much for hosting. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks for featuring my refashioned skirts, Natasha and thanks for hosting...

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my citrus coasters! Congrats on your Liebster Award!!

  4. Thanks for hosting Natasha! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  5. Hi Natasha and thanks for hosting! I put up a post about babywearing, a super healthy protein bar recipe perfect for teen"s lunch boxes or as a well deserved snack after a work-out. I also put up best natural cold remedy foods as we all know someone who has the snuffles and finally three tried and tested recipes for soothing baby's butt. One is a barrier cream, the second a baby wipe solution and the third a healing salve along with a short tutorial on how to make calendula oil . Those of you who have made my healing salve or lip balms will probably have most of the ingredients to hand already!
    Some of you may know I also host a linky,-although still in its early days- and am seeking even more wonderful creative women to come and share their beautiful posts there too! It's called Seasonal Celebration and can be found at Natural Mothers Network
    Rebecca x

  6. Hi! Thank you so much for featuring my bedroom makeover!! It is so appreciated!! Thank you for being such a great hostess...excited to be linking up again this weekend!

  7. Thanks for hosting!! Have a great week!

  8. Thanks for hosting every week and thanks for featuring my Nutty Toffee Bars. They really are good, I was pleasantly surprised!

  9. Thank you for hosting Natasha! I am now re-following you on Linky followers and would appreciate it if you would reciprocate!

    I also wanted to invite you to join me for Inspire Me Monday and Friendship Friday! :-)

    Create With Joy

  10. Thank you so much for the feature Nastasha!! I appreciate it so much. I hope you had a great day today!! You made mine :) All linked up again this week. Congrats again on your award!

  11. Thanks for hosting - I hope you reach your goal! I'm now a follower :)

    Angela @ A little about A LOT

  12. Thank you for hosting and for inviting me :)

  13. Thanks for the invite! Love the link party! I am starting my first link party at this week!

  14. Natasha I'm your newest follower and just linked up! I'm really glad I've found you and your blog!

  15. Hi! I just found you and posted my link, but I'm not sure exactly how to put your link button up on my site. Help!

  16. Thank you for inviting me!

  17. Thanks for letting me know about your linky!

  18. Hi! How cute is your blog?! So glad you commented on my no-bake oat bars post to join your party! I'm your newest linky and google follower!

    Caroline @ Double the Decor
