Thursday 1 March 2012

Busy Bags

I've seen loads of busy bags around on blog land and thought they would be great for my two youngest kids when I need a few minutes to write a blog post, wash the pots, iron, put clothes away etc. etc.. So I've made my own. Well, should I say I've made a start as I've only made 4 so far and I thought I'd share them with you

In my first I've placed objects in different colours so the little ones can colour sort them
There are 7 feathers, 7 pipe cleaners, 7 lollipop sticks, 7 foam hearts and 7 pompoms

In this one I've placed 3 pipe cleaners and folded them over at one end and cut up some drinking straws. They have to simple put the straw bits on the pipe cleaner

I've cut little hearts and stars from card and cut up some different coloured tissue paper. They have to scrunch up the tissue paper and glue on

This one is different shapes and colours. The kids can either match the shapes or match the colours

I don't think that there too bad for my very first attempt at making busy bags. Hopefully will be making some more very soon. If you have any ideas on what I could use please let me know

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  1. Well, these busy bag concept is quiet interesting. I just love this bags so much. Thanks for sharing this bags with us.

  2. Ohh.. what a fun idea Natasha! I need to make some of these!

  3. Cool! Maybe some odd crayons and scratch paper in one (you know the loose crayons that don't go with the set- LOL) stickers are great too! Have fun!

  4. I think it is a great first attempt! I throw one together whenever we go out to eat or go to dinner at a friend's house and they work so well. I hadn't thought of putting pipe cleaners and straw cuttings in one. Thanks for that!

  5. Really great. Not bad at all for the first attempt. I haven't busy bags, but now I think I should. Great stuff.

  6. So glad that you shared these at Things I've Done Thursday!!

    P.S. I launched a great CD giveaway today if you're interested!! :)

  7. Those are some fun ones! I'm in love with busy bags at the moment. I need to make some for my daughter before we head to NZ in May. I especially like your straw one. That looks like some great fine motor skills.

  8. Hi thank you for participating at the link party on our blog, Please be so kind so as to link back to the party soon.

    Re. these bags, my observation is that 'stuff' seems to arrive into one's home that is perfect for inclusion in busy bags...

  9. Lovely. I haven't got children of my own, but once I made a "sick box" for a friend's sick daughter, filling it up with lots of small cuties and pretties to keep her entertained on her sick bed. She was delighted and so did her parents. But I haven't thought about this kind of "busy" bag or box!
    Please swing by my blog when you have the time!

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  10. Love the colour sorting one and the foam matching! Might do some foam matching for my kiddos.

    I am doing a busy bag swap right now with some other mama`s in Japan {since most busy bag swaps are in America and you can`t usually participate from overseas so I organized my own swap}. I also have a list of a couple others I want to make because we have an international flight coming up {in which I am travelling with both my boys aged 26 months and 14 months by myself}. So between the busy bags, lots of snacks and the ipad with some dvds loaded onto it and educational games I hope we will survive!

    I totally recommend doing a swap with some friends as well to get even MORE bags together.

    Thanks for sharing- I found you via pinterest

    1. And if you can't find a group of people to swap bags with--I offer a large assortment of Busy Bags AND preschool Busy Kits for purchase!

  11. WOW! These are a fantastic idea ~ I can't wait to make some of my own for our next vacation!

  12. Those are a great idea! I have a few things I can throw together to make a bag of my own. My toddler will like it!

    Saw you at Bowl Full Of Lemons. :)

  13. I've been trying to make activities like this for my toddler too! Thanks for sharing your ideas! I especially love their simplicity since most moms don't have the time for "complicated!"

  14. Fun bags, great idea. I think an old magazine, a piece of white paper and a glue stick might work too.

  15. Cute idea, I need to come up with some busy bags for my four kids. The older they get they still complain to me about being bored and needing something to do.

  16. Hey Natasha thanks for linking up.. you were one of the most viewed links! Check out your feature tomorrow!!

  17. What fun! I'd want to play too =-)
    Thanks for linking up to TGIF - see you tommorrow,
    Beth =-)

  18. Wow, these are great ideas. I don't have little ones myself anymore, but I watch my friend's daughter who is 16 but mentally she's about 2 or 3. This would give her something fun to do when I watch her. Thanks!

  19. Those look really good! I bet my eldest would love them, youngest would probably just eat them but worth a shot lol. Thanks for the idea!

    - Adele @ Mammy Made

  20. Natasha this is brilliant! Please share it with my readers over on Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways! I think everyone would love it:)

  21. Great ideas!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! I hope you are having a great week!

  22. Oh I absolutely LOVE these! Gorgeous!!
