Sunday 11 March 2012

Blog Hop & 200 Club

I am so excited to say that I now have over 200 followers via GFC!!

And just this week alone I have reached my target's of
100 followers via facebook
50 followers via linky followers
10 followers via bloglovin
10 followers via networked blogs

So to celebrate I'm having a blog hop party!!!!!

Just add your main blog url to the linky party below and grab the code at the bottom and create your own post and include the code.

Please make sure you follow the blog before you and also visit some others and let them know that you are following them!!!

And also to celebrate reaching 200 followers I'm starting up a 200 club.
If your blog has less then 200 followers via GFC or Linky followers Please contact me and I will place your blog button on my page and will also feature your blog in a feature post and on facebook. Once you have reached your 200 followers target I will remove your blog button but add you to the 200 club page!!!

Linking to some of these great parties

Check these great sites out
Visit Top Mommy Blogs To Vote For Me!
 Bath Bomb Creations


  1. I've linked up to your blog hop and I am following you through Linky (before it was just RSS). I hope I got the code right.

    Renonda @ Snickety Things

  2. Hi! I would love to be a part of your 200 club, but since I'm new to blogging, I don't have a blog button... Hopefully I can still be involved :)

    Angela @ A little about A LOT

  3. Ooh I'd love to be part of your under 200 club, been blogging since 2010 and only have 30 followers! xx

  4. Thanks for hosting the Blog hop. I would like to participate in your under 200 club.

  5. I'll be back to visit... adding on to mine. off to work now.

  6. Thank you so much for coming to my blog hop!! I am now following you on Linky and liked you on facebook! THANK YOU so much as I am still new to this and I adore bloggers like you! Have a fantastic week and come back to visit soon.

  7. Congratulations on your 200 GFC followers!! What a fun idea! I would love to be a part of your under 200 club. Thank you so much!
    Bekah @

  8. I'd like to participate in the 200 and under. :) I've been blogging since February, and have inched my way up to 59, but I'd love to get higher. Let me know what I need to do to participate. Thanks for doing this! Brittney @

  9. Would love to be apart of the 200 and under. This is really great and thoughtful idea. Thank you. It should be fun.
