Tuesday 21 February 2012

My Find of the Week : Valentines Cards

Ok Ok, I know valentines day was last week but i've found these really cute cards for ideas for next valentines day (I know how we all like to be prepared)                                                                                                            

So here they are:

Valentines day card
Heidi made this lovely card and there's a link to make your own

Pinned Image
Not sure who made this or where it's from, but I do know that it is really really cute!

Cute card from Martha Stewart

Just love it! Made by Nikki

How sweet is this? And it's available as a free download

For my better half
MY husband would love this one!

Pinned Image
You can make your own over at Tagxedo

BUTTONS!! I just love buttons!!

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  1. I just did my Valentine's Day post today too! So I am loving knowing that some else is right there with me!! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I am your newsest follower.
    Hoppy Tuesday!

  2. Hi Natasha!

    Thank you so much for participating in the blog hop. Wishing you all the best in your bloggy endeavors. Cheers!


  3. Great valentine cards. I just love colour and amazing design. Thanks for sharing with us!
