Monday 6 February 2012

Journal 10+ (Review)

Last week I received it the post a journal to review.
I was so excited as i just love journals. But this is no ordinary journal, this is a 10 year + journal!!

10 year journal review

There are just 4 lines to write something everyday for the next 10 years! If you don't like writing and keeping journals, don't worry, because it only takes 3 minutes a day, if that and you'll get over 10 years worth of memories.
Each daily page covers a single date, so you can see what you did on this date every year!
There are 4 lines to write what you want, and also 2 cirlces, a slash / , and a p.
the cirlces and the / can be used for whatever you want to use them for. some people have used the circles for telling the am and pm weather or tempruture. Or to colour code the entry. The slash can be used to make note of your wieght, blood pressure etc. I'm still thinking about what to use mine for.

At the beginning of every year is a looking ahead page with space to write you goals and accomplishments.
There is also space after the daily pages called carry-over pages for you to continue writing if you need extra room. That's what the P is for on the daily pages, just write next to the P the page number where you have carried over what you needed to write

There are also pages for noting medical and automobile records. Pages for remembering special dates and address and telephone numbers

At the beginning of every month their is a page to categories each day, to make finding a certain entry easier.

page of 10 year journal

It also has 2 bookmark tassels, one black the other gold.

If you would like to own ones of these fantastic 10 year journal go here

I'm definitely going to be buying another one of these journals for 2023!!!!!
I'm still thinking about how to categorise my entries and what to use the circles and slash for on the daily pages. Any ideas? What would you use them for?

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I have received the journal 10 to review and keep. I have not been paid for this review and all opinions are 100% mine


  1. I really like that journal. Did I miss where you can get them? B&N maybe?

  2. I LOVE your journal idea! I think that is such a wonderful thing to do! I need to start doing that! Thanks for the inspiration! I am going to start!

  3. What an awesome journal! It would be so fun to look back and have memories written for 10 years! :)

  4. that is SOOO cool.
    i think i'm going to want to do that.
    thanks so much for sharing!
    {love} lauryn @

  5. I love this sooo much! Thanks for sharing.

  6. This is right.I am now following you on Linky Follower. I would love it if you followed me back. I always enjoy meeting new Bloggers.

  7. How fun! I don't know what you could use those symbols for...but I would really love a journal like this!


  8. I've never thought about a 10 year journal. Imagine what a find that would be for your kids after your time here is done.

  9. Wow, love that idea... even I (capital letter with lots of emphasis here) could keep up with that!

  10. Great journal very nicely reviewed.. Thanks for linking up!

  11. Great idea! Thank you so much for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday! Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
