Monday 27 February 2012

Handmade Notebooks

I made these cute notebooks as gifts at Christmas. I couldn't post them on here until after the big day in case they saw them. And then it slipped my mind until I came across my own little notebook that I made and it reminded me

These ones were for my sister

And these ones were for my dad

These were so easy to make. I just brought some cheap 18p jotters and shopping list from Wilkos and just decorated them with some pretty paper. Don't you just LOVE easy crafts!!

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  1. I am Penni over at and I am awarding you the Leibster Blog Award. Come on over to my blog and get your award. I will mention you and your blog in my post.


  2. These notebooks are just beautiful! Found you on the Hope Studios Hop! Stop by my site for our Wonderful Wednesday Hop, too.

    I wrote a post just a couple of weeks ago about Notebooks and I am going back to add a link to your post! My readers will love it. Sinea from Ducks 'n a Row

  3. What a simple and stylish upgrade of a store bought notebook! Such a fantastic idea, thanks for sharing!

    Take care,

  4. Yes, I love easy crafts and this looks like a good one. Pretty paper plus store bought notebook. Wala. Thanks for sharing. I love paper crafts. I'm following you now and would love to have you come over for a visit and follow me also. Thanks, Linda

  5. Wonderful handmade notebooks. I just love simple crafts. You made it so stylish. Good usage of design and colour combinations.

  6. these look cute and make easy gift ideas, I'd like to learn how to make recycled paper one day to make things like this! Happy Pink Saturday <3

  7. Very sweet, indeed, and great gifts. Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. What lovely little handmade gifts! They look so cute as a group of books. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  9. Happy Pink Saturday!
    It is always nice to see what each lovely lady is up to...and the creativity that flows...I pray that you all have a blessed week !
    Please come by my blog anytime...I love having you!
    God Bless......Kandy

  10. Happy Pink Saturday
    I am such a fan of notebooks especially when purchasing plain and making them pretty.
    I am sure your family were delighted with their gifts.

  11. Your notebooks are really sweet. I like 'm.

  12. Great idea, thanks for sharing at Bacon Time, hope to see you again Friday.

  13. I've featured your notebooks for Functional Friday!

    Thanks so much for stopping by to link up!
