Wednesday 15 February 2012

52 Weeks of you : Living and Learning at Home

Hello! and welcome to '52 weeks of you'
Where every week I'll feature one of YOUR great blogs!
So if you'd like to be seen here email me at
And tell me a little about yourself and your blog 
Please note : Get your name down now as there is a 4 month waiting list 

This week I'm featuring : Living and Learning at Home

I am a young mom of two young kids (3½ & 1½). My husband and I homeschool our children (obviously we are just starting out!) I love home and my blog is about just that…Living and Learning at Home. My goal in blogging is to encourage other moms that they can teach their children too, whether it be officially homeschooling or just taking advantage of every teaching opportunity in their young lives!

My favorite post is probably Science Activity - Making Apple Butter


Here are my top 5 posts

Science Activity: Fall Leaves

Love this idea. Definitely going to be doing this one with the kids as soon as the leaves come back on the trees

Valentines Wreath for the Birds

Great idea for a random act of kindness

Memory Verse Box

such a great idea

Marshmallow Snowflakes

Great winter craft for the kids and I bet they'll love eating them after

Thanksgiving Tree
Such a lovely idea

Thank you so much Amy for sharing your great blog with us
Go over to Living and Learning at Home and check out all her other great posts!!

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 Bath Bomb Creations


  1. Thanks so much for the feature! I think 52 Weeks of You is a really neat idea.

  2. I really like the memory verse box - that's great! Thank you so much for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday!

  3. Thanks so much for joining in with my weekly Pinning & Singing party. I am so thrilled that you linked up such great posts!

    Best wishes.
    Natasha In Oz
