Thursday 23 February 2012

10 Simple Tips to Keep your House Tidy

I really struggle to keep my house clean and tidy. Mainly because I HATE cleaning!! But I've been trying some ideas out and so far they are working
Everyday I do my normal everyday chores like washing the pots, hoovering etc.. But I always feel like I didn't have enough time to do all the other things that needed doing around the house. That's where tip number 1 comes in

1. After the normal chores do an extra 10-15 minutes doing just one thing. This could be cleaning the cupboards, sorting your photos out, cleaning out behind the sofa. Just make sure you spend no more than 15 minutes a day

2. Find a place for everything. This might sound easy enough, but when you're disorganized this can be the hardest thing ever! 

3. Use boxes and containers in drawers. Don't you just hate it when you open a drawer to look for something and the contents is scattered everywhere? And use Velcro to hold them in place

4. Keep a basket at the bottom of the stairs for things that need to be took up late

5. Never leave a room without taking something with you. This could be taking a mug back into the kitchen. Take the kids toys with you and pop them in the basket on the stairs. And if you go upstairs, take a basket with you.

6. Do a load of laundry everyday! you might have a certain day that you do all the laundry every week, but who want's to spend an whole day sorting through dirty clothes. Do one load everyday to keep the washing down, and then it won't seem like you're doing that much.

7. Dust and fold the laundry while on the phone. My mum is always ringing me and sometimes I can be on the phone to her for a good hour! While I'm chatting away nothing is getting done. but a bit of dusting can easily be done while on the phone

Blond caucasian woman wearing yellow cleaning gloves and bandana talking on the phone while using a spray cleaner and wiping the countertop in a kitchen Stock Photo - 3785626

8. Set up a donation station. Have a box where you can put things you don't need or want any more and when it's full donate it to your local charity shop. 

9. Give the kids chores. Give each child age appropriate chores that they have to do each week and in return get a reward. See my reward points here

10. Make everyone take their shoes off when they enter your house. This might sound a bit rude to your guests making them all take their shoes off, but you'll be surprised at how much dirt is actually brought in the house on our shoes. If you want you carpets staying nice a clean this one is a must!
Hope these help!! they have certainly helped me!!

 An easy way for a place to store possessions are in baskets, cardboard boxes and tubs

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  1. FANTASTIC tips!!!

    I try to clean one room everyday and that's it.

  2. These are great tips...I really like a place for everything and everything in its does make cleanup easier.

  3. Great ideas! I really like the baskets at the bottom of the stairs. I don't have stairs, but I imagine it would be a pain walking up and down several times with individual items. I like doing things when I'm on the phone too! It makes the time pass by so much faster!

  4. Fabulous tips!
    Thanks for linking up to this week's Catch a Glimpse Party! I'll be featuring this tomorrow!

  5. These are great tips. We really need to start the taking the shoes off one. Our rugs get so dirty. Thanks for shairng. I am a new Pinterest follower visiting from Somewhat Simple. Vicky from Mess For Less

  6. I love walking barefoot on the carpet.

  7. thanks for this- i try my best to do ths: "Never leave a room without taking something with you. " try to get my hubby to awell, but he forgets, ah men.

  8. I despise cleaning! Any tips to make it easier is much appreciated! Thanks for sharing!


  9. Awesome tips and reminders! I find my house gets messy so quickly, even if I just skip 1 day, I like the idea to do a little bit every day. I'm really enjoying reading your blog and I am so excited to be your newest loyal follower!
    Cath @ Home is Where my Heart is

  10. Great tips - I hate housework, its a never ending viscious circle!!

  11. Happy to have you at Things I've Done Thursday!

  12. Just shared this on Facebook Natasha. Thanks for linking up to Taking A Timeout Thursday!

  13. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips at Bacon Time.

  14. Such good times.. now if only I would use them more often :)

    Ps.. thank you for linking up to my Financial Friday party.. hope to see ya there this Friday!

  15. I have just implemented a new cleaning routine because I'm just like you - hate to clean! I need the little "pat on the back" of crossing things off a list, so I have started keeping a schedule and crossing off each task.

    Don't tell, but sometimes if I do a little extra thing like you mentioned I write it on my list after just so I can cross it off! Shhhhh!

  16. Hi! Visiting from Rock N have a great blog. I'm going to add your Serenity Saturday party to the party list on my blog. Looking forward to more serenity you as a new Linky Follower.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  17. Natasha, Great tips! I struggle with keeping the housework under control, and every idea is appreciated.

  18. such great ideas. Thanks for sharing:>

  19. Great tips!! Had to feature these at this week's Mop It Up Mondays! Thanks so much for linking up. Would be delighted for you to stop by again!


  20. I love simple and practical tips like this. We've always had folks remove their shoes in our really does help. My hubby is retired military and while he was still active we had a sign on the door that read "Please remove order of the Commander". =)

  21. No need to have a high budget for this. It comes cheap and beautifully looking.

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  25. Great post....i will keep in mind when doing carpet cleaning,

  26. My tip.... Don't be afraid to throw it all away! Even if you have a simple home with nothing in it... it will came right back I'm those doors again!

  27. My tip.... Don't be afraid to throw it all away! Even if you have a simple home with nothing in it... it will came right back I'm those doors again!

  28. Love this! Every night when my house is quiet and everyone is asleep I tidy up, pack the next days lunches, pack the nappy bag etc so I can go to bed knowing that the next morning the house will be tidy and I'm all ready to just get up and go somewhere. I get stressed if I go to bed and the house isn't tidied and organized because I know I'll just have to get up in the morning and clean up. So my uninterrupted night time routine has become a habit and it works. Having said that, I am flexible enough to know that if it doesn't get done for one reason or another I.e. Kids not sleeping, people call or drop by, then it's not the end of the world;) as long as it doesn't haooen every day!

    Irene Jennings (Oriental Rug Cleaning)

  29. Ps.. thank you for linking up to my Financial Friday party.. hope to see ya there this Friday!Welcome back!

  30. Before I don’t like cleaning the house and doing house hold chores because I feel irritated. Tremendous ideas, it really helps a lot with your tips!

  31. My dad and I spent 2 weeks clearing the attic. Although you don't often see in there, it makes a huge difference in your mind. It's a big job done, I'd like to put a padlock on it.

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  33. Your tips was very important to know because all of us has a house that needs to maintain the cleanliness. But if we have a big company, we will surely find this iso 9001 accredited cleaning company so that we can assure our company was always clean.
