Monday, 19 December 2011

A Little bit of Joy

I'm not very good at crafting even though I really enjoy it, so I tend to stick to the simple things to make. And here's one of my easy to make Christmas Cards that I made and i'm soo proud of!

To make this I glued some red paper to some card stock. Then on my computer I wrote the word 'JOY' in outline lettering and printed it out on some card. Then got a different sheet of paper and traced around the letters and cut them out. As the paper I used was quite thick I didn't need to glue them to the card. But if the paper you use is thin or a bit flimsy, glue to the card. I then attached the letters to my Christmas card with foam pads so it stood out a bit. Then made a little tag and fastened it to the letter 'y'

Easy and simple, but I think it looks great!!

Check out some other simple cards that I made over at Everything under the Moon

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