Tuesday, 22 November 2011

My Find of the Week : The Jar of Nothing

My Find of the Week is The Jar of Nothing!!  from Craft Bits

It's basically an empty jar with a sticker on that says 'The Jar of Nothing'!
This would make the perfect Christmas present for my dad. I'm fed up of buying things that people don't really want, so I asked my dad what would he like for Christmas and every year his answer is always the same 'Nothing' so this year that's exactly what he'll be getting!! Haha

No, I'm not that mean. I'll be getting him something else besides this, but I think this will make him laugh when he opens it.

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  1. Too funny! i think i'll have to make a couple of these myself!

  2. Haha! I should make one of these for my FIL. Awesome idea.:)

  3. This is great! I know a few people that I can give this too.

  4. Many years ago my husband and I did a Youth Group study on "Nothing." Nothing is too good for dear old Dad. Nothing beats a great pair of legs. Nothing is something to do, something you learn at school, something you watch on TV, something you wear... I wish I could remember more. There surely is a lot to say about nothing. I love your idea. I might just give my husband a jar of nothing, too.

  5. Hilarious! This is perfect:) I am seriously loving your post! I think my subscribers would really enjoy reading this. I would love for you to come share it at Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways on Frugally Sustainable (http://frugallysustainable.blogspot.com/2011/11/frugal-days-sustainable-ways-2.html). I really hope that you will put Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways on your list of carnivals to visit and link to each Wednesday!

    Andrea @ Frugally Sustainable
    Here's the link: http://www.frugallysustainable.com

  6. Hilarious! Caught you on Follow me Friday and I'm glad I did!

  7. My husband always says he just wants a giant red bow and nothing else (well, except me wearing the big red bow and nothing else).

  8. this is perfect for my dad too! Every year he says the same thing!

  9. That is HILARIOUS! And really what do any of us really need?!?
    Beth (TGIF)

  10. This is the perfect gift for hubby. Thank you.

  11. Lol that might be what I get. Hugs from bacon time.

  12. Really it is great jar. This is the perfect gift to be given some perfect.
