Wednesday, 28 December 2011

52 Weeks of you!

Every Wednesday is going to be 52 weeks of you!  here at serenity you

That mean's each week I'll be Featuring YOU!!!
If you would like me to feature your blog on '52 week's of you' Please send me an email to and tell me a bit about you and your blog. And I will Check it it out and select one blog a week to be featured. In the feature I will included your favourite post and a few of my favourites!!

Email me Here

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  1. I was just dropping by to wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for visiting my place and your special comments. I look forward to engaging more with you in 2012. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  2. That sounds like fun. I actually just read your post about your New Year's Resolution and it got me thinking maybe one of my favorite posts is the one I wrote yesterday sharing my weight loss story. I have maintained the weight loss for a long time but it was the first time I found the courage to share pics. Have a happy and Safe New Year's Eve.

  3. Great idea - I can't wait to see the features. Thank you so much for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday. Hope to see you again this week!

    Trish - Mom On Timeout
